Objective information about breast cancer in other languages

Objective information about breast cancer in other languages
We understand that Dutch isn’t everybody's mother tongue. Therefor you can also use our website in other languages.
Their are two ways to translate our website in your desired language. Go to our website automatically translated in English and start there. Or go directly to the online tool and immediately choose the language of your liking.
Please keep reading for more information about these two options.
Option one, start in English:
Go to our website automatically translated in English
Click on 'English' in the top left corner of the website
Select your desired language
Enjoy our website in your chosen language
Option two, start in any other available language:
Go to Google Translate (click on ‘websites’ if necessary)
Select your desired language
Copy and paste the url of our homepage (https://www.borstkanker.nl)
Click on the blue arrow
Our translated website will open in a new tab. Your browser may have a pop-up blocker, which means you might have to allow your browser to show the pop-up/translated website.

Subtitled videos
Do you know we have informational videos which are available with subtitles in English, Arabic and Turkish?